“The soul has a unique way of letting us know what we need to live a rich and fulfilling life and to be who we are truly meant to be—our authentic selves! Anxiety, depression, illness, feeling stuck, worry, fear, withdrawal, and other symptoms are the soul’s attempt to point us in the right direction toward feeling fully alive.”

This realization is where my commitment began. My name is Claudia Arias. I am a licensed marriage and family therapist, mother, wife, and soul tender, who is passionate about helping people heal from their past experiences and embrace their greatest potential. Sacred Space Counseling was born out of my desire to offer a truly supportive, nonjudgmental, healing space, where together, we can listen to the voice of your soul and seek YOUR meaning. In a field dominated by talk therapy, I created Sacred Space with the intention to serve those who feel like their story is “too messy”, traumatic, or complicated to be heard, much less healed. Over time, my private practice has become a sanctuary, offering versatile services that integrate a traditional, in-depth holistic approach as well as EMDR and mindfulness modalities to target the specific needs of clients.

After graduating from Pacifica Graduate Institute, I honed my expertise in working with children, adolescents, and families, especially those who have experienced sexual abuse, anxiety, trauma, Lyme disease, and other medical conditions that trigger mental health symptoms. By utilizing integrative techniques, I am able to address the connection between the mind and body, allowing individuals to reclaim every aspect of their lives throughout their healing process.

Behind The Soul Of Sacred Space


    • Master's Degree in Depth Psychology & Counseling Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California.

    • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) Certified

    • EMDR Consultant


    • Grounding outdoors / walking barefoot in nature

    • Connecting with others through conversations & quality time

    • Daily journaling (especially documenting gratitude, growth milestones, and introspection)

    • Reading (especially in the sunlight)

    • Drinking loose leaf tea


    • Dancing as a way to activate daily movement and creativity

    • Singing and participating voice lessons (this stimulates the Vagus Nerve!)

    • Participating in healing workshops & retreats

    • Outdoor hiking

    • Yoga

 “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”

― Rumi